Birthday dinner outfit help - URGENT!


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Oct 19, 2013

Sarah M.

It's my Grandfathers birthday dinner tonight, and I have no idea what to wear, or how to do my makeup or hair. It's going to be relatively casual (and I don't own any dresses or skirts, and I don't have time to go shopping). I'm 14, so I want it to be age-appropriate. Thanks!

Oct 19, 2013

Rebekah K.

Maybe some skinny jeans with either a frilly top or band shirt (not sure what your style is) with a bun or fish tail braid with a semi natural eye. Maybe with eyeliner mascara and a lighter eye shadow with a paleish pink lip (depends on what colors you're wearing and your definition of relatively casual) Idk hope I helped?

Oct 19, 2013

Rebekah K.

But if you don't usually wear a bunch of makeup (I didn't when I was your age so I'm not sure) then just mascara and a light eye shadow maybe grayish depending on your eye color and a nuetral lip. :)

Oct 19, 2013

Lily C.

Outfit: skinny jeans and a nice blouse
Makeup: don't really nee any as your with at a dinner with your grandfather! Just mascara and a light pink lip colour!

Oct 19, 2013

Sarah M.

Thanks girls :)