Dripping Eyeliner Help!!


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Dec 8, 2013

Lisa S.

Your eyelids are probably too oily (mine does the same thing). Try using a skin tone eyeshadow or translucent powder (I recommend elf studio translucent powder or rimmel londons setting powder) and apply that around your eye and underneath your bottom lid. Also do it after you apply the liner to 'set' the powder. Just take a small brush or even a q tip and dust a little powder right under the liner... Hope that made sense.

Dec 8, 2013

Bluerose B.

What eyeliner do you use?

Dec 8, 2013

Bluerose B.

Maybe use a pencil liner in the area where it runs? That's what I do because my eyes tend to water a lot when I'm applying it.

Dec 9, 2013

Lauren M.

Use a primer and either wear eyeshadow underneath the liner or set it with translucent powder:)