Really Need Advice Asap Freaking Out.


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Dec 6, 2013

Sarah H.

So this sounds weird but I washed my face at my grandmas house (with my regular wash and moisturizer), but she uses water from a well system and it had so much iron and stuff in it my face looks swollen red and it's SO dry. I know it will go down but it's painful and I need advice on the best moisturizer for really really dry irritated skin. I'm going to wal mart.

Dec 6, 2013

Diana J.

Vaseline I suppose:-)

Dec 6, 2013

Becca M.

I recommend Pond's moisturizer.

Dec 6, 2013

Stephanie S.

aveeno (:

Dec 6, 2013

Mikayla B.

Thats strange... are you sure its from the water? I have well water and it has less chemicals in it than city water. But I would use ponds too.

Dec 6, 2013

Meg K.

Could be an allergic reaction to something in the water. For dry skin I wouldn't use Vaseline, it only works as a barrier an this has no moisturising qualities. I don't wanna suggest you put something on it, however if you want a moisturiser something Unfragranced is best ie a Clinique moisturiser

Dec 6, 2013

Taylor S.

In the baby section get aquaphor

Dec 6, 2013

Sarah H.

Well I was researching it and the water was the only thing different from any other night, people have said that it can cause irritation on sensitive skin, It even smells like metal. And they don't have a water softener system. Good suggestions. Would cetaphil be good? Here's this morning, it's gotten a bit puffier since.

Dec 6, 2013

Lexi K.

Try using distilled water, or boil the well water, and use it for washing your face. I recommend using CeraVes products. It's just like Cetaphil, but better imo, Cetaphil can be greasy.

Dec 6, 2013

Mikayla B.

Oh. well if they don't have a water softner system thatd be bad! try a yogurt mask.. thatd probably make the redness and puffiness go down.

Dec 6, 2013

Kenzie L.

oatmeal mask :)

Dec 6, 2013

Diana J.

^ Agree. Yogurt and sour cream always calm down burned/ irritated skin. And maybe a wise thing will be not to buy and put on face a lot of new products. I,m sure that in few days your skin will be ok:-)

Dec 6, 2013

Brittany P.

Cetaphyl is greasy, but I swear by it to do some serious repair.

Dec 7, 2013

Lisa S.

Cetaphil gentle facial cleanser (make sure it says facial! There is two that look the same) and cerave moisturizing lotion with a little aquaphor mixed in. I wouldn't use a face mask though and get distilled water like others recommended

Dec 7, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree with Meg K. Vaseline doesn't actually put moisture into the skin. A natural oil could work too, like coconut, argan or maracuja. Ponds is always good too, although it does have fragrance so I would maybe move up to that in a few days and keep it as simple as possible now.

Dec 7, 2013

Sarah H.

Okay thanks guys I'm going to try a couple things and hopefully this will subside!

Dec 7, 2013

Mahy M.

I hope you'll feel better Sarah. I wouldn't recommend trying new products when your skin is in sensitive condition. If it's an allergic reaction I think it's better to see a doctor. I previously had an allergic reaction to an eye cream and I had to take medication for a few days.

Dec 7, 2013

Sarah H.

UPDATE- so tried numerous things (aquaphor,ice in a bag, regular moisturizer, oatmeal mask), nothing helped. I went to the store to check out the lotions, I saw bio oil and decided to buy it since I had wanted to for a while, I put it on last night and this morning and the redness, swelling and pain is gone, so for future reference, if anyone has really dry or red skin, bio oil is where it's at^.^

Sarah H.

Houston, Texas