How do YOU decide??


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Dec 6, 2013

Stephanie M.

So I was wondering beauties...everyday when you're getting ready to do your eye makeup for the day, how do you decide what look you're going to do for that day, what colors you're going to use, which technique? Personally, I like to wear a different look everyday but lately when I sit down to do my makeup, I just sit there staring at my shadows and don't know where to start!

Dec 6, 2013

Melissa H.

I have my boyfriend pick for me...always turns out great, lol.

Dec 6, 2013

Ivette H.

For me sometimes it depends on what I'm wearing and my mood but I also like to look at pictures for inpiration.

Dec 6, 2013

Stephanie M.

Are there any specific websites you like to go to for inspiration?

Dec 6, 2013

Sharifa S.

I usually go by what I'm wearing and my mood.

Dec 6, 2013

Alma M.

Stephanie,I usually just go for it but if I need inspiration I look at fashion magazines.Their is a look I think would look great on you and for some reason it always pops in my head when I see your picture, it's this makeup look on cher I think would look beautiful.  :-)

Dec 6, 2013

Stephanie M.

Aww Alma you are so darn sweet!! I Absolutely love this look!! Where did you find it and did it give details on how she achieved this look?

Dec 6, 2013

Stephanie M.

@Melissa Haha I've actually asked my husband before and I was pleasantly surprised with what he came up with Lol.

Dec 6, 2013

Regina B.

I always end up using the same colors every time. I want to be more bold with my makeup but haven't really taken the time to work with different combinations yet. I should do that. Lol. And I think that Cher look would be amazing on you Stephanie.

Dec 6, 2013

Shelley W.

I usually reach for fashion mags for inspiration or take suggestions from my husband who is a fan of vibrant colors. Sometimes I'll just work a look around a particular lip color.

Dec 6, 2013

Maaike V.

I just look at the colors and feel which match my mood. If I don't want any color, I do a black wing

Dec 6, 2013

Kris F.

I go with the feeling, so it' s my mood that decides. Lately, I wear black eyeliner and red lipstick, kinda pin up style.

Dec 6, 2013

Carolynne C.

I usually do the same look with my naked basics pallette because I'm working or am with a 5yr old lol! Days off I tend to do a natural smokey eye and for nights out I do a much more dramatic look depending on what colours I'm wearing x

Dec 6, 2013

Gypsy S.

Beautifully put Jacqueline💜 such perfect words☺ I couldn't agree more💄

Dec 6, 2013

Vally W.

great jackie! ;)

Dec 6, 2013

Lolita B.

And I thought I was the only one who stares at her makeup lol.

Dec 6, 2013

Stephanie M.

Jackie you NEVER cease to amaze me!! That was beautiful! Be careful though because if you keep giving me such amazing advice I'm going to keep asking for more!  ;-)

Dec 7, 2013

Laurie M.

I sit and look at my shadows and chose the ones that say pick me pick me! lol.

Dec 7, 2013

Stephanie M.

Laurie LMAO!!

Dec 7, 2013

Ailyn H.

Hi lovely! I usually wear more neutral tones but always go with my mood. If I've been having a rough day, I'll go bold for a guaranteed mood boost! :)

Outfit and if I'm running late or have a lot of time determines my complexity of application.

Dec 7, 2013

Satvir K.

I always end up wearing more neutrals on weekdays but on the weekend I experiment with more bold looks.

Dec 7, 2013

Ivonne B.

The first thing I do is pic (depending where I'm going) day time,natural or dramatic and from there I start swatching and find what in going to use and then it can take me between 10mim-1hour and 1/2 with hair included 😁

Dec 7, 2013

Ivonne B.


Dec 7, 2013

Bree B.

Sometimes I have a direct image that has inspired me, that's not the usual. Mostly it's my own invention I come up with on the spot from looking at my shadows and whatever jumps out that day and feels like a match to my mood. Of course, TIME is always an issue. There are the days I'm really pressed, 3 kids HELLO!, so then I just have to go for a quick look.

Stephanie M.

Cleveland, Ohio