Coconut oil


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Oct 17, 2012

Annie S.

Does coconut oil really make your hair grow faster?

Oct 17, 2012

Analisa B.

I use coconut oil so that my hair is healthy, soft, and smells wonderful but I've never heard anything about it making your hair grow faster. I doubt it does cause my hair grows slowly and the oil hasn't changed that

Oct 17, 2012

Annie S.

It definitely has changed the texture of my hair to super soft. Well I use coconut mill, but my friend uses oil every time before she washes it and her hair has grown so much 

Oct 17, 2012

Alli M.

It's probably growing bc it's healthy, but I agree with Analisa. I use coconut oil and its doesn't have anything in it to speed your hair growth! 

Oct 17, 2012

Miranda B.

do you guys just use straight coconut oil like you would a hair serum?

Coconut oil is usually used to soften texture. Never heard of using if for hair growth! But then again, healthier hair does tend to grow better, so I guess it can be a roundabout way to achieve longer hair =)

@Miranda B., I used to use coconut oil like a hair serum, but realized that since it is an oil/food, it starts to smell a bit "off" after a few days (I don't wash my hair daily, which is how i know). What I do now is drench my hair in the coconut oil, sleep with it in overnight (with a shower cap on, of course), and wash it out the next day. You'll have buttery soft hair that's scented wtih coconut. It's heavenly! <3

Oct 18, 2012

Annie S.

Would you guys recommend coconut oil rather than the other oils you can use on your hair? Or are they all the same?

Oct 18, 2012

Lerina A.

Coconut oil isn't like most oils because it actually penetrates the hair, not coat it

Oct 18, 2012

Andrea S.

I started using coconut oil as an overnight treatment last week and the difference in my hair is amazing. Make sure you use raw organic coconut oil though. My hair went from bleach fried and rough to soft, light and shiny overnight. I use it to remove my makeup too!

like Lerina A. said, coconut oil is one of the few oils (olive oil works too) that can actually penetrate the hair shaft. Hair itself is dead, however when coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft it can strengthen the hair core and give more protection against damage. Pure edible coconut oil though, no serum or anything else as they have added chemicals, perfume, preservatives thus changing the chemical properties of the oil so the molecule wont be able to penetrate. If the oil is solid in room temperature you may need to warm it ( dont boil though), put on as much as you want and keep for atleast 2 hours ( oil will need time to penetrate), better if can be done overnight. Shampoo and condition as usual.
you can also use coconut oil as a leave in serum...just a drop will work fine. it will add shine and help to control frizz. Do it when your hair is slightly damp which will lock the moisture and ensure healthier hair.
Remember its an oil not a serum so dont use heat. that is, do not blow dry or iron your hair after using oild ( even a drop) it will fry your hair, rather use a drop of oil after blow drying/ironing/curling etc to seal the locks, add shine and control frizz.
Hope it helps :) 

Oct 18, 2012

Sneha C.

I use coconut oil too. At times I mix castor & coconut oil, heat it up a little bit and apply on my scalp.