Lipstick removal help!


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Nov 30, 2013

Emily P.

My lips are so weird. If I apply a lipstick and then realize I don't like it, once I take it off, my lips are red and puffy. They just seem irritated by putting on a product only to take it right back off, and it doesn't go down for a while. My lips darken and get bigger, so it looks weird if I go to put on another lipstick right after. I don't know the best way to describe it- it's not the actual lipstick that's causing it, because this happens no matter the brand, but the process of removing lipstick once I've put it on. Does this make sense? Is there a way I can reduce the irritation so my lips look normal after removing a lipstick? I'm not scrubbing them super hard to get the product off or anything, I'm gentle so as to not disturb the rest of my makeup, but it drives me crazy! Anyone else? I see all these girls on YouTube show lipstick swatches and take off lipstick & immediately put another one on and I wish I could be able to do that.

Nov 30, 2013

Hilda R.

Maybe baby oil

Nov 30, 2013

Dena M.

Try a face cleanser with water it will break the product down and won't discolor or swell the lips!

Dec 1, 2013

Cass F.

I agree with Hilda. Give baby oil a try. Put it on a cotton wipe, don't wipe straight away, let it sit on the lips and then softly remove the lipstick. See if that helps.

Dec 1, 2013

Samantha G.

Maybe try a treatment before you apply the next color like Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream. It has healing properties and I think if you put a light layer on, did something for 5 or so minutes and came back to pat it off, that might help you.

Dec 1, 2013

Mallory C.

Be gentle, you're stimulating blood flow to your lips which is causing the swelling and redness. the baby oil may help just don't scrub.