Help with hair dip dye.


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Dec 2, 2013

Evelyn E.

So I want to dip dye my hair blue put I don't want it to be there for ever not permanently dye I really need your help please help me And I thinks these can be a problem my hair is dark as you can see in the pic.

Dec 2, 2013

Emily M.

So if you want it to be a bright, vibrant color you'd have to bleach it first. then you could use semi-permanent dye, so the color will go away, but the blonde will still be there. but you can still try using semi-permanent dye, but it wouldn't be as vibrant without bleaching first. if you get any, DO NOT get splat. it sucks. you could always try kool aid dye but your hair is so dark I doubt it would show up, maybe red would.

Dec 2, 2013

Cassandra C.

If you don't want it to last use kool aid grab a blue kool aid mix it with a little bit of conditioner and apply to your hair it last up to 2 weeks. After you covered your whole head put a bag over your hair and with a blow dryer on heat go over your head that will make the color more brighter.

Dec 2, 2013

Evelyn E.

Thanks Emily and Cassandra please keep on giving me advice

Dec 2, 2013

Evelyn E.

Put I have a question emily you said ''but the blonde will still be there'' what do mean by that

Dec 2, 2013

Emily M.

Well when you bleach your hair, it's blonde. then you apply semi-perm dye, like blue. so it'll be blue for a while until the dye wears off since it isn't permanent, but the bleach is so you'll be left with blonde tips.

Dec 2, 2013

Brittany R.

Try hair chalk, it shows up on dark hair and it washes out. So you could have a different color whenever you want.

Dec 2, 2013

Nai S.

If you decide to bleach it and then use semi permanent color, I recommend Splat! You can get it at Walgreens or Walmart. I've dip dyed my hair about five times using splat.

Dec 2, 2013

Nai S.

But blue on dark hair tends to turn greenish.. So you might need a professional to do it.

Dec 3, 2013

Evelyn E.

I really like your answer brittany

Dec 3, 2013

Evelyn E.

I get you now emily thanks