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Dec 1, 2013

Nayeli M.

I have under the skin pimples on my cheeks for like 4 months already and they are very noticeable! I'm getting very insecure :( do you girls have any home remedies or anything I can buy to get rid of them!! :"(

Dec 1, 2013

Nayeli M.

It looks like this

Dec 1, 2013

Mariam A.

Aspirin, Honey, ans lemon mask. Search up on Google the mask, it will hive you step by step direction. Personally it's my favorite, although I still have acbe I still see results using this mask. Also the proactive step 1,2, and 3 work a perfectly for break outs. hope this helps Nayeli (:

Dec 1, 2013

Mariam A.

Oops auto correct craziness! sorry about that, but hopefully you get the point.

Dec 1, 2013

Roz X.

Tea tree oil face wash. CVS and most drug stores should carry them. Use only non comedogenic makeup, moisturizer and sunscreen. Aveeno has some great products. Pure Minerals "Blemish Therapy" takes redness out while drying spots quickly. I'd also be sure to increase my water intake, use 100% cotton pillowcase and change it every 3rd day. There is a natural vitamin B derived supplement called Nicotinamide that is highly effective on combating acne-causing bacteria from within. I'd also incorporate a gentle astringent following my face wash and prior to moisturizing. I'm fond of Mario Badescu's seaweed one. Lastly...healthy eating habits and gentle exfoliation are keys to great skin. Good luck!

Dec 1, 2013

Shanice D.

Steam your face for about 10 minutes, maybe more just make sure your spots feel soft and then wash your face Iain your face wash with fairly warm water. Then use a face make, I use a tea tree one from body shop. do this one a week, hopefully it will work as it usually does for me. Don't be insecure about it, things like this happen to everyone and people don't think anything of it x