Just noticing I have oily skin.


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Dec 23, 2013

Keesha O.

I just noticed I have oily skin is that a bad thing?

Dec 23, 2013

Traci L.

Nope you will have less wrinkles just take care of your skin while your young hun.

Dec 23, 2013

Keesha O.

Lol thanx

Dec 23, 2013

Keesha O.

What's good 4 the skin 2 keep it smooth and nice?

Dec 23, 2013

Kaitlin G.

I would suggest getting a moisturizer for combination skin. It keeps your skin hydrated, but also controlls oil :) hope this help

Dec 23, 2013

Keesha O.

Thanks kaitlin

Dec 23, 2013

Traci L.

Just get a good cleanser like cerave or cetaphil a exfoliating gel or gentle scrub and spf moisturizer for daytime and a nite cream.

Dec 23, 2013

Kitty K.

It can be, you might be using a product that is stripping your skin of moisture, so in result it produces more oil. The more you strip the more it produces ☺

Dec 23, 2013

Kitty K.

@Traci That's actually a myth! Oily skin does not determine the amount of wrinkles you have, the reason for the saying that oily skin has less wrinkles is because the skin is more dehydrated, so wrinkles are just exaggerated. ☺

Dec 24, 2013

Mistreece L.

No not at all, I have it as well. If you're just realizing it and it seemed to come out of no where then it can be due to using a product that is stripping your skin or even a new medication, or change in environment, etc.
If youve always had oily skin then its more than likely genetic. Having oily skin helps keeps the skin moisturized and smooth, hence, lessens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, which tends to make oily skin individuals appear younger. Oily skin should still be moisturized daily and protected from the sun as other skin types, as what was previous said.
Figure out your skin type for sure and treat accordingly.

Dec 24, 2013

Traci L.

Actually kitty dryer skin types are more prone to wrinkles and dehydration of the skin leads to loss of collagen an elastin and that leads to wrinkles ,it's the difference between a prune and a plum one has been dehydrated so if you don't hydrate and use moisturizer you will wrinkle way more than someone who does so quite logically someone who has an abundant amount of natural oils skin will stay plumper

Dec 24, 2013

Traci L.

And Mistreece made some great points.