Never shampoo again, ladies.


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Dec 24, 2013

Nicole V.

Never shampoo/condition again. the "No Poo" method is amazing. Replace your shampoo with 1 tbs. mixed with water in your hands from the shower to form a paste. And replace your conditioner with 2 tbs of vinegar (apple cider for normal hair, white for oily hair) mixed with 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Eventually you'll have less damaged hair, no buildup, and your hair will be shiny and voluminous. Read some more blogs about it for more info since I just started doing this. But it's worked wonders so far for my fine and oily hair.

Dec 24, 2013

Hannah K.

I assume you mean 1 Tbsp of baking soda, correct? I'm glad that's been working out for you! :) personally I wouldn't try it because my hair is pretty thick and curly, not to mention ridiculously color-treated, so it probably wouldn't work for me as well as it has for you. Still, it's awesome to hear about natural solutions to problems we all have :)

Dec 24, 2013

Honey E.

Awesome, I'm going to look into it :) but replace my shampoo with what? it says "with 1 tbs. mixed with water." thanks!

Dec 24, 2013

Loretta L.

I use The no poo method because I have dandruff and it really works,but it stink so bad.

Dec 24, 2013

Nicole V.

I totally meant 1 tbs. baking soda**** as a substitute for shampoo! Sorry for the proof reading error.

Jennifer M., no your hair should not have an odor after it dries. :)

I don't believe shampoo and conditioner is necessary as they often have harmful chemicals and silicone which build up in your scalp.

Dec 24, 2013

Christina C.

I don't think I'm going to try this because nothing mentioned as any moisturizer. I use the brand organix, no harsh chemicals and is the best.

Dec 24, 2013

Lizzy W.

I did this a few months back, and I added one teaspoon olive oil because the baking soda and vinegar can have a drying effect. Occasionally I also added a few drops of essential oils (different oils have different benefits). It was amazing; I could go 2 weeks without washing my hair and it still looked amazing. The first week it looked gross, but after that it looked and felt healthier than ever before. The only reason I stopped is because I had to use large amounts of hair products for my dancing and the no 'poo method just wasn't getting all of it out, but I plan on going back to it once show season is over.