How should I do my daily makeup?


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Dec 23, 2013

Taylor J.

I have blue eyes, fair-ish skin, dark blonde/light brown hair.

Dec 23, 2013

Christina C.

Try sticking with browns instead of black, try a simply brown LIGHT smokey eye, ( if you can't just use brown eye shadow and experiment) from the photo your face seems pretty clear, so try using a bb cream. Keep a good concealer or fountain just in case you need it. And a nice light blush. Also nudes and pinks for your lips (try lip balm)

Dec 23, 2013

Christina C.

Brown mascara and eyeliner too!

Dec 23, 2013

Sommer A.

Don't wear foundation everyday, that's for sure bc you have beautiful skin. Stick to wearing just a primer to smooth out your skin and maybe a little concealer. wear blush mascara and pop a light beige color in your crease for definition. have fun!

Dec 23, 2013

MaKenzie T.

I feel like you should wear a light taupe or coffee color in your crease, brown or black marcara and peach lips...