How long does it last?


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Dec 6, 2013

Ashley D.

I want to get the UD de slick setting spray but don't know what size to get. How long does the 1oz. size last? Does it control oil well? (also I can get it for $0.12 but only the 1oz.)

Dec 6, 2013

Lauren T.

I wouldn't say it helps with oil if you are super oily but it definitely helps your makeup stay on longer!

Dec 6, 2013

Ashley D.

Thanks, How long.does the bottle last? A few weeeks? A month.

Dec 6, 2013

Lisa S.

I have one of the little bottles and it lasted a long time, but as far as staying power, it didn't really help my makeup last. Like it didn't help my eye makeup, it made it worse but my foundation stayed a little bit better than w/o bur not very much. I recommend ben and nye setting spray, its what disney princesses from disneyland use to make their makeup last.

Dec 6, 2013

Natalie T.

I stocked up on a few full size bottles when they reformulated (about a year ago) and I haven't even gone through a whole full size bottle yet... granted, I don't use it everyday, but still... thats a while!
I did start by buying a travel size bottle which lasted me a long time-daily use for maybe 2 months. I bought the full size bottles before I could finish it and I still have some left (over a year later) haha I should probably throw it out actually

Dec 6, 2013

Ashley D.

Thanks =)