Chopped Off My Hair! (long to short)


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Oct 15, 2012

Rebekka U.

I didn't go for the drastic pixie but with my busy life I'm so excited to have a short hair cut. Now I can easily style it in the morning with a little texturizing creme. I'd love to hear what you think, or if you also find a short hair cut simplifies your life. Check it out on my profile. I have a picture of my hair long and curly and then the new fresh from salon cut.

Oct 16, 2012

Debbie R.

Cute! I just cut my hair too, it was down to my butt now it's around my bra... Still getting used to it. I feel 10 lbs lighter tho! 

Oct 16, 2012

Sinai J.

I love it. Really suits you :o) Fighting the urge to chop all my hair off at the moment.

Oct 16, 2012

Rebekka U.

Debbie, oh my lord how I feel so much lighter! My hair is really thick so I don't joke when I felt like I was carrying an extra lbs or 2 on my head alone. 

Oct 16, 2012

Debbie R.

Yes exactly rebekkah! I do miss my hair already tho, i guess it takes time to adjust ;) 

Oct 19, 2012

Carla P.

I love your hair and I did the same went from long to short like yours... So much easier to style..