Possibly Hair Miracle In A Bottle?


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Dec 3, 2013

Huda S.

I thought I'd share my very recent experience with mustard oil here. I was experiencing hair fall and dry scalp a few days back
this could be attributed to the dry coldish weather or hormones or diet. although I try to balance everything out and keep tabs on hormones and food. I used mustard oil before taking a shower, I let it soak in my hair and scalp for two hours and washed it out. my hair has become softer, silkier and is falling less than before. I'm happy with the results! have any of you used mustard oil? share any miracles you've come across :)

Dec 3, 2013

Pati L.

And how do you apply it? only to scalp? or all hair?

Dec 3, 2013

Huda S.

Entire scalp and hair. and wash it out with more than usual amount of shampoo after 2-3 hours.