What's your facial routine?


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Dec 26, 2013

Adrianna G.

Hmm I was just curious to know others facial routines before going to bed? I usually take off all makeup,wash my face and moisturize :) but I recently stopped wearing makeup everyday which helped my acne clear up!I'm looking for new tips and other routines I can start trying out :)

Dec 26, 2013

Stephanie S.

This is off topic, but your teeth look really white. (:

Dec 26, 2013

Adrianna G.

Thank you :) I use Colgate total mint strip and my teeth have whiten , really recommend that toothpaste :)

Dec 26, 2013

Karishma ß.

Adrianna I use the same exact toothpaste and it's awesome. & my facial ruin is the same as your, get all of my make up off, wash my face morning & night before bed with my aveeno face wash then moisturizer & use my lip scrub after.

Dec 26, 2013

Lorna G.

Hi Adrianna,

You look stunning in your photo. and I must agree with the beauitful Stephanie and Karishma, your teeth are Amazing! Last summer I found myself breaking out ALOT, so I stoped wearing make up and funnily enough, used rose water as a toner, 3 times a day to clean my face. That's all I used, as I wanted no chemicals on my face what so ever. It was quite a unusual facial routine, however it worked! in less than a week my friends noticed a difference in my face and wondered what I had applied to my face. To this day, I do wear make up and need a good face wash to remove ALL my make up! but I still use rose water as my toner :)

You should try rose water and see if it'll help your skin. I hope this helps Adrianna! Good luck :)

Dec 26, 2013

Amber B.

Here is my no make (excuse my face tough day at work)

I keep it simple:
1-take my makeup off every night ( I try really hard)
2-wash my face depending on how my skin looks ill use a scrub or regular wash.
3-use my toner (witchhazel & lemon juice mix)

Dec 26, 2013

Adrianna G.

Lorna thank you :) I will definitely look into the rose water😊

Dec 26, 2013

Silvia G.

I used to have really bad acne, makeup was making it worse, so every night I'd use face cleanser (body shop has amazing ones) I use a facial scrub once a week, I use a facial toner, then a facial serum (once again body shop "drops of youth" amazing!) and finally a moisturiser, I found Olay was very good, but benefit also have good one! That definitely will help your skin :) x

Dec 26, 2013

Silvia G.

Also, if you want to go really natural, use coconut oil as a moisturiser!

Dec 27, 2013

Diana T.

My acne is clearing up thanks to good ol fashioned benzoyl peroxide! at night lately I've been washing with cetaphyl for gentle skin after using the simple makeup removing wipes if I wore makeup that day (I try to go every other day without makeup) then after washing I use mario badescu special cucumber lotion toner and use 2% benzoyl peroxide as a spot treatment and I also have psoriasis so I treat the dry patches with maracuja oil then finish with a tea tree oil night moisturizer mixed with a drop of the maracuja oil - has been working great for me esp in the cold weather the oil really helps with dry skin.