Acne help!?? Tried everything!


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Dec 27, 2013

Mabel C.

Hey guys! I've had pretty bad acne for the last 3 years and I've tried everything is there anything you guys would recommend that isn't very popular?! Thanks😘💕

Dec 27, 2013

Kimmi J.

I use the clean and clear and aveeno products they did wonders for me took only a month to get rid of mine!!

Dec 27, 2013

Linzo L.

Drink water.. DON't USE SCRUB.. and get a drying lotion (use it on each pimple every night).. worked perfectly for me :)

Dec 27, 2013

Ashton H.

Have you tried proactiv? I was skeptical at first, and someone completely it when I recommended it to someone else, but it works great. I even skipped some days on accident, and my skin is still under control. It gets better every day! :p it's still a bit visible, but it's still healing. They also have concealer and makeup that won't irritate your skin so you can cover spots youre insecure about. :) x

Dec 27, 2013

Sloane M.

Drink lots of water and try improving your diet by minimizing your dairy intake. For topical treatments my favorite is Epiduo, but any benzoyl peroxide gel will work fine. You can get it at the drugstore by brands like Neutrogena and Clean & Clear or on
For a DIY treatment, my favorite is raw honey on the spots. It reduces inflammation and redness, and also hydrates the skin. Good luck!

Dec 27, 2013

Berkeley K.

I used to have terrible acne! My mom took me to the doctor and I was prescribed acne pills and a topical medication. It got worse before it got better, but now my skin looks great!! I would recommend visiting a doctor and sticking to what they prescribe :) I did, and it changed my life! Here's my skin with absolutely no make up

Dec 27, 2013

Madison B.

Go to the dermatologist! Mine gave me absorbica and my face looks sooo much better,it use to look horrible!

Dec 28, 2013

Kailey F.

Dab 70% alcohol on a cotton ball and sweep over problem areas.

Dec 28, 2013

Gabriela S.

Go to a dermatologist! I was skeptical at first because I'm a vegan and I don't like using chemicals on my face. She gave me two topical medications and my skin is clearer than before! It looks healthy as well which is also a plus. They're not exactly "vegan friendly" but it works well. I use Atralin and Acanya.