Clear Acne In 2 Days Help!!


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Dec 29, 2013

Amber L.

I have special plans in a couple days and I have two planets on the T area of my face. what is the best way to rid of them quickly.

Dec 29, 2013

Hannah K.

Do they have heads?

Dec 29, 2013

Sabrina R.

Drink LOTS of water. I find that when I do, the next day my skin looks way better. & I've heard good things about baking soda or tea tree oil. Beware of toothpaste!! When I tried it irritated/basically burnt my skin.

Dec 29, 2013

Sloane M.

If they are really irritated from you picking at them or scrubs or whatnot, try applying raw honey on them for awhile and rinse it off. Follow up with benzoyl peroxide gel (you can get this at the drugstore) and leave it on overnight.

Dec 30, 2013

Amber L.

Well I don't ever drink water so that will help I'm sure, thanks Sabrina. Hannah, one did. Sloan, they are just really red now and don't hurt. I just need to basically tone them down without of course clogging them back up with makeup.

Dec 30, 2013

Samantha C.

Hope this helps💜

Dec 30, 2013

Yaira D.

Tea Tree Oil! In a Sallys or Trader Joes etc. Dab a bit at night and it will dry that sucker. And make sure it's 100%

Dec 30, 2013

Preeti P.

retino ac ointment