What is a good place to start with exercising?


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Dec 30, 2013

Sophia G.

I want to start running/jogging every day but I want to build it up. What's a good starting time?

Dec 30, 2013

Anna S.

This isn't a time but try running maybe a mile at first it sounds long but it's not that bad it won't take longer then 30 min.

Dec 30, 2013

Taylor S.

Get the app couch to 5K!!

Dec 30, 2013

Stephanie S.

To build up your cardio I would do intervals of three minutes of jogging and a minute of walking and do that for thirty minutes. This is the best way to build up your cardio and then you can start jogging for a consecutive amount of time. I hope this makes sense lol.

Dec 30, 2013

Stephanie S.

The consecutive amount of jogging time may come after a few weeks of the interval training.

Sophia G.

Colorado Springs, CO