I need a change


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Oct 28, 2012

Alicia M.

I need a change, I am a darkish red right now I have already done black, brown with blonde peekaboos, and light brown, my natural hair colour is a medium brown and I have olive skin tone, any suggestions?

Oct 28, 2012

Brittany S.

My hair right now is the darkest possible brown at the top and has the ombré effect at the ends with bright red. I love it! Always an idea. 

Oct 28, 2012

Brittany P.

Try the ombré effect! Do dark brown to light brown/blonde

Oct 29, 2012

Alicia M.

I just dyed it red 3 weeks ago I wanna do something to the bottom half to change it up and then maybe in a month or so ill do a whole hair colour change just cause I dyed it not too long ago, I just need a change and I don't no what to do! I've been like every colour I could possibly be