Pimples won't go away.


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Dec 28, 2013

Carmen V.

I need advice on products so my pimples go away!

Dec 28, 2013

Veronica E.

I've heard about the Nanocleanse product and I also heard that there were great reviews. I'm not sure, but you can check on nanocleanse.com to see what's what 😊

Dec 28, 2013

Kailey F.

If your skin is tougher then soak a cotton ball in peroxide or alcohol and rub over problem area. I use the clean and clear system works great.

Dec 31, 2013

Bella B.

Okay I am late and this might sound weird but you know the stuff you but on stitches?
It is antibacterial and is against swelling and reduces redness so but it on the pimples and it will increase also that it hurts so it will get waaaaaayyyy smaller!!
afterwards I put tea tree oil on it and it will go away! :D

Dec 31, 2013

Bella B.

*put it