Spots for older skin.


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Dec 29, 2013

Tracy M.

Can someone help? I am 42 and seem to be having the same skin problems I had when I was a teenager. Spots on my chin and nose don't want to use harsh chemicals but don't know what to use?

Dec 29, 2013

Kelly H.

Hi Tracy, can you list what you do currently for your beauty/face routine morning and night?

Dec 29, 2013

Shelley W.

Up your Omega intake. I'm 39, about to turn 40 in February, and over the past few months I've noticed my skin making the change. Another beauty on here named Tracy told me about the Omegas and since I've been taking flaxseed oil pills I've seen a decrease in hormonal acne that was occurring along my chin and jawline.

Dec 29, 2013

Roz X.

Cotton pillowcase, loads of water and increasing fruits and veggies is a great start. For spots, I swear by Bare Minerals Blemish Therapy. Lightly conceals while it heals and you need just a hint on each spot.

Dec 29, 2013

Roz X.

Shelly..your skin is gorgeous. Traci is spot on with those Omegas.

Dec 29, 2013

Roz X.

No pun

Dec 29, 2013

Lori C.

Good to know! do the omegas help with the brown age spots too or just marks left from pimples? I have both.

Dec 29, 2013

Lori C.

Ill be 53 in Feb. I need all the help I can get lol.

Dec 29, 2013

Shelley W.

The Omegas help with decreasing the acne. To help fade acne scars and age spots...glycolic acid serum for night time use and for daytime a vitamin c serum. I use glycolic acid serum at 17% but I suggest starting out with 10% if new to it. The amount of fading is dependent on how deep the scarring is.

Dec 29, 2013

Shelley W.

Thank you Rozberry. :)

Dec 29, 2013

Lori C.

thanks Shelley!