How to get rid of stress acne??xox


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Dec 29, 2013

Mally M.

I've been breaking out recently because the stress that comes from studying for exams:/ eek! Anybody got some advice on how to get rid of it??Xx

Dec 29, 2013

Taylor G.

Following this because I have the same problem

Dec 29, 2013

Nadine S.

Maybe you can try and take some fish oil supplement that supports skin and immune system. There are vitamins for stress relief

Dec 29, 2013

Destiny R.

Drink lots of water!!

Dec 29, 2013

Destiny R.

It worked for me :)

Dec 29, 2013

Kaitlyn M.

They do make a stress relief treatment.

Dec 29, 2013

Diana T.

I have this issue too - I just stick my routine n try to minimize makeup during this time - the best thing for it is herbal tea and calming exercises like yoga n make sure to get plenty of sleep n try not to eat too much junk at this time or it will make things worse - my current routine to get rid of pimples past is the mario badescu line of acne cleanser and special cucumber lotion toner then spot treat with 2% benzoyl peroxide and use a tea tree oil moisturizer - and at night I use the mario badescu buffering lotion for cystic acne (which is most common for my stress acne) and the drying lotion for white heads to dry them up - also tea tree oil works great to dry up cystic bumps and reduce redness - other the main thing to realize is that your hormones were out of whack during that time so best thing to do is relax n destress and maintain a healthy diet.