Your shower routines??


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Dec 28, 2013

Charissa T.

I was just wondering what your shower routines are? Need to be inspired ;D.

Dec 28, 2013

Laurie M.

For hair or body?

Dec 28, 2013

Charissa T.

Well both I guess? Your whole shower routine?

Dec 28, 2013

Anna C.

I start out with my hair I shampoo and Condition, then I wash my body, then I shave whatever needs to be shaved, then I wash my face then viola! Done!

Dec 28, 2013

Hannah K.

I shampoo and condition my hair, apply deep conditioner and put my hair into a bun, wash my body, do a body scrub, shave, wash my face, rinse my hair. Then I apply lotion. That's pretty much it.

Dec 28, 2013

Rebekah L.

Stand there for a few minutes with hot hot water running over my hair, apply shampoo, rinse, shampoo roots again and rinse. Apply half the amount of conditioner, quickly pass hair in water, apply more conditioner. Let it set, wash body, wash face, shave, rinse conditioner. Apply conditioner to ends of hair. Done!

Dec 28, 2013

Honey E.

Brush my teeth, wash my face, shampoo and condition my hair, then shave and wash my body.

Dec 28, 2013

Roseanne M.

Brush my teeth wile I run the water for couple minutes gt in, wash my hands then wash my face, wet all my body and hair (if I'm washin my hair) wash my body, shave if needed, wash my body again and then wash my body again then rinse, dry myself then I moisturise my body and face

Dec 28, 2013

Megan B.

Sit in the shower thinking about life for like an hour and then decide I should probably actually clean myself.

Dec 28, 2013

Isabel M.

I usually shampoo my hair first(2-4xs a week) , then I add deep conditioner and then scrub a dub dub my self up, and then I turn water to cold and each out my conditioner!

Dec 28, 2013

Quinne C.

Shampoo, put conditioner in my hair, shave, wash my body, wash face, rinse conditioner out, then face and body lotion.

Dec 28, 2013

Jesslee M.

Shampoo, rinse, conditioner, wash my body, shave sometimes, rinse conditioner, then wash my face.

Dec 28, 2013

Becca M.

Hair (shampoo and condition)
Wash face
Clean body
Once I get out, I moisturize and put on some lotion. I also put in some anti-frizz stuff in my hair!

Dec 28, 2013

Sky L.

I shampoo, put conditioner in my hair, wash my face, rinse conditioner, shave, wash my body. I learned on some website its best to wash your body last so all that conditioner gunk doesn't clog your pores