Eye liner help :)


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Dec 19, 2013

Alexis L.

I want to start wearing eye linear but I have no idea how to apply it and what style :/. I need help:/. pictures would help.

Dec 19, 2013

Vanesa G.

Look for tutorials on YouTube and just keep practicing

Dec 19, 2013

Naeela S.

I think for a begginer a felt tip liner is pretty easy to use...I swear by loreal super liner, perfect liner everytime. the actual technique will just come from practice x

Dec 19, 2013

Diana J.

Seat confortable, put your elbow on smth hard to avoid shaking. Use a mirror enough big to see both eyes same time. Mark with dots beginning, midle, end - unite. If you are very insecure first draw the line with pencil or angled brush and black shadows. In time you will notice what,s the best type for your eyes. Here is a winger liner small tutorial ->
And as an makeup artist on youtube have said "If you don,t know what to do on friday night - practice with liner":-)

Dec 19, 2013

Kyraa D.

I think a pencil of pen is actually a lot easier to use. felt tips can be kind of tricky. YouTube is a good for learning, as well as practice! & use short strokes to cover the lid, as opposed to trying to get a perfect straight line in one stroke (: here is a photo of different styles of liner:

Dec 20, 2013

Lorena M.

Bobbi brown book's explanation

Dec 20, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

Start with the waterline and then try something else till you find what works for you, you tube some videos and work on it =)

Dec 21, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

@dakota I have never had that problem