Hair masks for long healthy hair??


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Coconut oil is fab!:D I like the Expeller pressed, since the heavy fat is removed and it stays liquid even when cold. Coat your strands, then wrap in a plastic grocery bag or plastic wrap, wrap in all in a warm towel and let it sit while you watch a movie, do homework or snooze. :) Wash it out and finish with some apple cider vinegar in cool water to rinse- tada! Oooohhh shiny!:D.

Dec 19, 2013

Maressa H.

I second Erica completely. Coconut oil drastically enhanced my hair and I've only been using it for a few weeks! All my friends and family has noticed the difference.

Dec 19, 2013

Vivienne T.

For growth, drink plenty of water daily and eat more proteins, fruit and veg (dark green veggies are the best). Massage your hair every day, wet or dry for about 10 mins and flip your head upside down for 20 seconds so that you can promote circulation in your scalp. Once or twice a week, massage your scalp with almond oil and leave it in for 15-30 minutes before washing it out. A healthy treatment does a lot to make your hair grow, I use an argan oil from pro naturals and it works great.