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mmm difficult question...jajja. i think shadows, pigments and brushes for me. 

Oct 23, 2012

Kimberly F.

Any and all eyeshadow pallets

Oct 23, 2012

Melissa F.

My obsession would definitely have to be lipstick, especially red. I have more red in my lipstick collection than any other color. Seriously, I probably have a red lipstick for every occasion. :-)

conditioners. everytime i see a new brand, i want to buy it (the brands i use most, i hoard!) may that be regular or treatment or deep...also have been totally obsessed with contouring lately buying blush/contourer/highlights like a crazy this days :(

Oct 23, 2012

Sneha C.

@Pye: Myyyyy! That's a fortune! Way to go ;) 

Oct 23, 2012

Cindy Y.

Lip balms!!!

Oct 23, 2012

Jerrica W.

Lipsticks,it was foundation but I switch it up alot

Oct 23, 2012

Lovelystar J.

lipstick I'm in love with molten caramel by loreal infallible le rouge lol

Oct 23, 2012

Raisa J.

Lipstick and Foundation. I guess I've always loved Lipsticks ,and well foundations because I didn't own enough (I used to just use Tinted Moisturizers). I am also obsessed with Bronzers! :)  

Oct 23, 2012

April Louise M.

Pink lipstick :) it's like my trade mark now :)

Oct 24, 2012

Candice R.

blushes . always lol. mainly coral blushes

Oct 24, 2012

Lera J.

i'm obsessed with everything right now, but the Urban Decay honey infused lip glosses are KILLING me...i can't leave my lips without it....the honey smell is so delightful and they feel like heaven. On the UD site the one color was on sale for $4 so i bought 6 of them, HA! 

Oct 24, 2012

Cindy Y.

Eyeshadow palettes and lip balms!

Oct 24, 2012

Gabbi D.

Pretty sure I'll always be addicted to eyeshadows... and bright lipsticks... *sigh* I miss not having a makeup obsession... so much moneys.

Oct 24, 2012

Amy T.

I am obsessed with eyeshadows,lip glosses and lip balm. 

Oct 26, 2012

Laura H.

right now, lashes! every shape and color

Oct 26, 2012

Amanda R.

Lipsticks and blushes and highlighters!

Oct 26, 2012

Idah H.

Eyeshadows!But the obsession come and go,i just simply love to play around with colours.For now i guess its bronzer=)