How do I become a makeup artist at 17?


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Dec 11, 2013

Sophia G.

I want to start my business now but I don't know where to go to make business cards and a portfolio. Can I have some help?

Dec 12, 2013

Antonia S.

Hey, girly! I'm in the same boat as you!
I would start by doing makeup for friends/family. When my mom goes out or has a date with my dad, I do her makeup. It really helps gain a little bit of practice.
As far as business cards, you can make your own! I made my own when I started my babysitting business. You can buy perforated business card paper at the store, and find a template online or in a program (I used Microsoft Word to design mine.)
As far as a portfolio, I'll tell you my plans.
I'm going to host a makeup workshop/expo (I don't really know the right word to use) soon. What I'm going to do is ask my friends/classmates to come to my house on a Saturday and I'll do their makeup for free. My best friend thinks I should charge, but I don't think I'm going to. I may charge if they want false lashes, just to cover the cost of the actual lashes. I have a few students from my schools photography class that are going to be there, and they are going to photograph the befores and afters, which I will use not only in my portfolio but on my website I'm working to create. We have a Multimedia and Webpage Design class at my school, so I'm recruiting some students in there to help make the site.
It's all about utilizing your resources and others peoples talents! I'm also looking for someone at my school to do the hair for the "expo" Everyone benefits from something like this. You, the hairstylist and the photographer would all have photos to show our work, and the "models" will have a great look to go out that night.
Hope this helped at least a little! Good luck to you :-)

Dec 12, 2013

Sophia G.

OMG that was very helpful!! Thank you so much!! <3

Dec 12, 2013

Carolyn H.

I really recommenced joining a site like Model Mayhem, its a great place to start networking and building your kit.

When you're just starting out don't focus on your kit being high end brands- focus on your pictures and on gaining experience
My kit was entirely build on Coastal Scents palettes when I started, and they worked out just fine.
Most gigs you'll be working in the beginning will be TFP- paid in pics- which is great because it gives you a chance to hone in on your skillset.

Depending on which industry you want to get into you'll want those looks in your kit.
Example: I do fashion/runway so the looks in my port are more editorial and beauty
if you want to get into bridal you'll want more clean and natural looks in your portfolio.
Portfolio pictures should be nothing short then AMAZING!
Camera phone and Backstage pictures are cute for instagram and facebook- but not for your portfolio.
Try to work with aspiring photographers, collaborate and make sure you get good close ups of your makeup- also, it's up to you to have a good eye for detail.
You need to make sure your symmetry is on point, the lips are perfect and foundation matches etc.

I wouldnt put a portfolio together until you start to have pictures you are really proud of, Don't just throw it together to have something to show- people will take you more seriously as an artist if you show them that you've actually put the time into your craft
Practice practice practice and when you do start charging do NOT undercharge, no $20-30 makeup.

Try to get a job at a makeup counter or a store like Sephora that way you're exposed to brands and techniiques.

As for branding, once you come up with a name you want to run your business as BUY THE DOMAIN- even if you don't have anything to put on your website once you own the domain its yours, and once its gone its gone- Make sure everything is consistent.
If you have a bridal website with a white/cream color scheme, your business cards and stationary should also have that color scheme

Make a work email, maybe social media accoutns for your makeup- everything is done digitally now and sadly most people judge talent on your following (which definitely don't go hand in hand) but it does help.

I think that's all for now :)

Sophia G.

Colorado Springs, CO