Sephora Beauty Insider rewards.


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Dec 10, 2013

Amanda V.

Hi lovelies!

I just made an online purchase with Sephora and redeemed my BI points for this sephora tote and iPhone cover! I'm so excited I just wanted to know if any of you ladies got either of these!! Let me know if you like it and the quality :)

Dec 10, 2013

Pati L.

No but how do you start the rewards? I'm new to this:-/

Dec 10, 2013

Amanda V.

You have to sign up at your local sephora store or online you get a point for every dollar spent and you can redeem them from 100 points and get deluxe samples or 500 points and get a set of deluxe samples (or 250 and get a tote and iPhone cover) you also get a free birthday gift on your birthday!

Dec 10, 2013

Amanda V.

Sorry, this link should be better @Pati L.

Dec 11, 2013

Mary T.

Cool! Let us know what you think!

Dec 12, 2013

Katy M.

I just got my tote in the mail yesterday so I haven't really used it yet. It's a good size though. And there's a little snap thing if you wanted to roll it up and throw it in your purse to use as a shopping bag or something.

Dec 13, 2013

Amanda V.

@Katy M... I just received my order today! The tote is so cool, it is a really good size and I can't wait to use it! It feels a bit rough with the fabric but it's still awesome...the phone case is so cute, it's like the rubbery/silicone phone covers and I really love it!