Blonde To Red...Redhot!!


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I've seen a million different tutorials on going from dark hair to red...
But have any of you gone from bleached blonde to RED HOT by Loreal?

Although it looks good on many...I most definitely do not want Ronald McDonald red. my goal is to get a deep vibrant red....nervous...

Dec 16, 2013

Erin T.

I'm sure you will look bad can it be.? 😜you will be a bombshell 🙀

Dec 16, 2013

Mille S.

I did try that incest and I Think that it give a Nice shade of red for your hair, but it is going to be more bright red than brownish red :)
Hope that helped a little

Dec 16, 2013

Mille S.

I did try this* damn autocorrect! But all the best of luck with it :)

Dec 16, 2013

Sable G.

Yeah be careful, lots of girls assume blonde is a clean slate to color but if you don't know exactly what you're doing youll end up copper, or looking like diluted period water. Just sayin'. I've seen it happen and its not pretty, lol.

This is my I'm so over it blonde...uhh...

Thank you ladies for your kind words...going through and I feel so ugly stage. ahhh...the life of being a woman. (rolling my eyes) lol.

Sable that is so but it did make me laugh super hard. thank you silly girl!!

So I have a Christmas Ball to go to and I want to shock the world with the change...I just want it to back "fire" on me!!

Dec 16, 2013

Bailee H.

I think red will look great on you :) and totally off topic- you rock the medusa piercing!