Smooth hair products/remedies?


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Oct 21, 2012

Adrienne G.

My hair is very grease/oil prone but is taking on a very dry look and feel, I have to be careful about using products and usually don't. But I really just want smooth shiny hair again.

Oct 21, 2012

Tia B.

Coconut oil. I know people say not to wash your hair everyday, but I'm kind of addicted to conditioning. Just get a decent shampoo/conditioner pair and use it everyday-every other day for a few weeks and your hair should be nice again. Don't put any hairspray, mousse or anything into your hair besides shampoo, conditioner , and coconut oil. 

Oct 21, 2012

Christine B.

Wash your hair every other day and when you do, use a deep conditioner. Doing this made me have the healthiest hair I've ever had.

Oct 21, 2012

Adrienne G.

thank you guys so much!