Helpp :( what is this and how do I get rid of it?


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Dec 12, 2013

Krystal U.

There's a small white bump on my.. upper lashline? It's on the water line but on top and it hurts a lot :( I've read some articles saying that it could be a stye if it hurts. But I don't know if it is a stye? It's not red, but I'm afraid it can turn into one. Idk I just want to know what it is and how to get rid of it..

Dec 12, 2013

Krishna V.

Omg that's so weirdo just got one of those 2 days ago.. Just wash it and put tons of lotion/ mousirizer , and get a good amount of sleep it should go away in one day. :)

Dec 12, 2013

Krishna V.

See you can't even see it but it hurt a lot for a day ish.

Dec 12, 2013

Marissa F.

I had one of those and I just put rice in a clean sock and tied it and then warmed it up In the microwave for a min and then set it on it and keep doing that till it goes away

Dec 12, 2013

Krystal U.

Krishna V, you put lotion right on it?

Dec 12, 2013

Krishna V.

Yes I just mousirizered it and I used eye drops to keep any infections from forming so that the inside of my eye is clean too.

Dec 12, 2013

Stephanie M.

I use baby shampoo on it and they go away.

Dec 12, 2013

Bailee H.

They are called collarets. little zit like things haha. you can easily scratch them off :)

Dec 12, 2013

Bailee H.

My mum works in opthamology, I get them a lot and she told me they are just like zits and you can scratch it with your nail to pop it.

Dec 12, 2013

Krystal U.

Thank you ladies!! :)

Dec 12, 2013

Cala S.

I Had That Once! But I Messed With It And Went Away A Couple Of Days Later.

Dec 12, 2013

Hannah J.

They are called sties. Do you wear contacts or not wash you eye makeup off well? I get them all the time because I don't take out my contacts everynight. What do is put a hot rag over my high to get it open, then it'll be easier to pop. Hope this helps!

Dec 12, 2013

Mikayla B.

Its probably a stye. You can get those from sharing makeup. You can pick up topical medicine for it at a drug store, but it will most likely go away in a couple of days. I would just leave it alone. You don't want to irritate it more.

Dec 12, 2013

Vivien M.

Its just a hard lil zit thingy I let mine stay in my cheek forever because it hurt and it finaly one day just came off when I was messing with it.

Dec 12, 2013

Honey E.

I've always heard them as sties. Get something yellow gold (I use a yellow gold ring) and rub it on the sty for a second

Dec 12, 2013

Christin B.

All I did was pop it and it went away forever lol.

Dec 12, 2013

Alexandra L.

It could be a build up of meibom, causing a chalazion. Similar to the skin, eyelids have tiny pores along the lashline that release a lipid lubricant. Just like a build up of sebum in a pore on the skin can cause a pimple, a build up of meibom in one of the pores on the lashline can cause a chalazion. Try filling the foot of some panty hose with rice and microwaving it until it is warm. Holding this against the effected eye will cause the meibom to loosen up and decrease swelling. If the problem persists, I suggest seeing an ophthalmologist, as it could be due to a dysfunctional meibomian gland.