Extensions, help please!


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Nov 9, 2013

Brittany J.

So, here's my problem.
I have been blonde for a super long time and decided to go back to dark hair. Since I changed my own hair I decided to dye my extensions as well instead of buying a new set. I think I ruined them.

They are foxy locks 100% human remy virgin extensions. I took them from bleach blonde to super dark brown and some spots didn't take so they look horrendous. They are spotty and frizzy and look just awful now. Obviously I have to dye again to cover the missed spots but is there anything I can do to repair the damage so they will be soft and not frizzy & fried looking? Would hot oil or something like that work?

Nov 9, 2013

Symone B.

This is going to sound so crazy but...put them in the microwave! Lol I knowww but just listen! I've done that and more(bleach baths and all, your hair will be fine)

1. Make sure the hair is clean (shampoo if not)
2. Wet the hair and apply a generous amount of conditioner
3. Put it in a plastic container (with lid) or a zip locked bag
4. Put in the microwave for a couple mins (like 1-2)

It's a deep conditioning treatment. Don't do it if you have metal clips

Nov 9, 2013

Brittany J.

I do have metal clips so I can't do that. That doesn't sound that crazy though.

Nov 9, 2013

Symone B.

You can do an egg mask then with extra virgin olive oil. Really helps with dry hair.

Or my personal version hot oil/deep conditioning treatment:
1. Get a bowl and mix conditioner in it (I like to use my olive oil conditioner and argan oil conditioner together)
2. Put it into the microwave for a minute. It will liquidify (yup I made it up) into an oil like substance.
3. Pour it all over the hair and let it sit for like an 1-2 hrs.
4. Rinse with cold water
5. lay each of them out, comb them out straight and let them airdry until morning. (You can just blow dry them but I don't like to blow dry my extensions)

Nov 9, 2013

Brittany J.

Thank you Symone! I will give that one a try. Do you think I should I do it once between dyes or should I go ahead and dye again and then do it?

I hate blow drying my extensions as well. I don't even blow out my own hair though. Lol. :)

Nov 9, 2013

Symone B.

Lol. I think you should do it before dying it. You will have to condition it after dying it anyway. And that methods might make the color bleed if you do it before

Nov 9, 2013

Symone B.

*I mean, if you do it after

Nov 9, 2013

Tonia J.

Do it after...if youre extensions are human hair then they have a cuticle layer...which in order for color to penetrate the hair you need the cuticle layer lifted. color THEN condition.

Nov 9, 2013

Shaye M.

Buy a hair serum and give your extensions a nice clean and straighten. I find when my extensions go crazy that seems to work.