Why does my polish do this??


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Nov 9, 2013

Symone B.

To prevent it:
After applying your top coat and your nails are semi-dry dip them in a cup of freezing cold water (let ice cubes melt in cold water). Do one hand at a time and keep it in for as long as you can stand it. This sort of "freezes"/ locks in the polish

Nov 10, 2013

Kyraa D.

How old is the polish?
mine used to do something like that when it got old. there would be air bubbles & bumps all over the place, so I just threw it out.

Nov 13, 2013

Emily W.

Those cracks are from using your fingernails. I get them in my nail polish too after I use my nails to pry something or use my hands for stuff at work. I use a nice top coat too, so it has nothing to do with the manicure. I just take it as a sign that its time for a new paint job. :)