What hair dryer is good.


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Nov 9, 2013

Louise U.

Need a new hair dryer but don't know what is a good one to use. Nothing to expensive ;)

Nov 9, 2013

Bree B.

I have a Babyliss and it's good, but if you aren't looking for expensive if would get a conair or whatever that's ionic with a retractable cord. That's what I had last, I LOVED the retractable cord feature. Everything should have a retractable cord!

Nov 9, 2013

Gemma D.

I live in ireland so I don't know if you will have this brand where you are but parlux3000 hairdryer is amazing. I have one and I've had it six years and I've never had a problem with it. I love it. its powerful and dries my hair so quick and when I blow dry with a vent brush the shine I get is fab. best hairdrier ever. my friends always want to borrow it lol :-)

Nov 9, 2013

Jay M.

I love my Conair blow dryer. I've had it 10 years and I think it cost like $14 bucks. I had purchased a T 3 blow dryer years ago. It was $189.00. It lasted a year and the one my mom bought caught fire while doing her hair.

Nov 10, 2013

Louise U.

Thanks ladies

Nov 11, 2013

Natalie T.

Elchim! They can get sorta expensive, but I think I've had my current one for about 13+ years now and it is still the most amazing hair dryer I have ever used! The prices range between $50-200 depending on the model.