Holiday makeup ideas!


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Nov 23, 2013

Lynn R.

I have absolutely NO idea how to do my makeup for the holidays! Can a grrrl get some help over here??

Nov 23, 2013

Courtney S.

Definitely keep the skin looking slightly pale ad dewy, try going more grayish brownish of you lids. make sure your lipstick is your shade of red. there's really not much more to it...! Hope this helped!

Nov 23, 2013

Santana G.

Eyeshadows that have shimmer.. I really like wearing gold eyeshadow for the holidays. And a bold lip is always good :)

Nov 23, 2013

Valery B.

I always try my smokey eye with nude lips with curly or a really nice up do!

Nov 23, 2013

Caitlin M.

My favorite thing for around this time of year is some Lorac 3D liquid luster. It's like a top coat you can put over eyeshadow or wear alone and its really sparkly but not glittery. They have it in gold and white. I love the white, I think it's perfect for the holidays :)

Nov 25, 2013

Lynn R.

This REALLY helped thanks girls! :)