Hair growth?? Recommendations.


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Nov 7, 2013

Diana G.

My hair won't seem to grow!! What do you recommend?

Nov 7, 2013

Sarah V.

Yeah, as Velen suggested, I would start taking a daily supplement or vitamin - any hair, skin, and nail formula will definitely help. Most contain plenty of biotin and other essential 'beauty' ingredients. You can find them pretty much anywhere... I've bought bottles from Vitamin Shoppe, Kmart and Trader Joes. Also, a scalp oil treatment would probably help, castor oil is helpful in stimulating hair growth...and you can keep your scalp moisturized and clear with coconut and tea tree oils!

Nov 7, 2013

Alice D.

You also need to keep in mind that not everyone's hair grows super quick... some people only manage about half an inch a month! I'm growing my hair long at the moment.. I haven't taken any special supplements other then the general good health ones (multi vitamin or cod liver oil etc)
Trim the ends to prevent damage and like get into the habit of deep conditioners (such as the proper protein masks) at least once a month to keep the lengths strong... Good Luck

Nov 7, 2013

Emily H.

Don't cut it.

Nov 8, 2013

Diana G.

Thank you ALL for the great tips!

Nov 8, 2013

Vivienne T.

For growth, drink plenty of water daily and eat more proteins, fruit and veg (dark green veggies are the best). Massage your hair every day, wet or dry for about 10 mins and flip your head upside down for 20 seconds so that you can promote circulation in your scalp. Once or twice a week, massage your scalp with almond oil and leave it in for 15-30 minutes before washing it out. I also suggest using a hair system by Pro naturals, it has argan oil which is great for your hair too.