Help whiter teeth


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Nov 28, 2013

Holly L.

Okay so my teeth are a really horrible colour. I wouldn't say there yellow but there definitely not white but I'm unbelievably paranoid about them and I'm a dancer so every time I get told to smile I feel like crying because there really bad ( yes dramatic but I really do hate them) do you know any products or home remedies to make them whiter I'm 16 so I don't think I'm old enough to have them professionally whitened.

Nov 28, 2013

Monica V.

My cousin tried the white of the orange peel. It worked for her. Rub it against your teeth.

Nov 28, 2013

Janae H.

Have tried the crest white line?

Nov 28, 2013

Holly L.

Thankyou I'll try that Maria and I have tried the 2 hour strips by crest janae but after about an hour it started to get really painful, I bared it for the full 2 hours but there wasn't much of a difference

Nov 28, 2013

Shannon S.

If you brush your teeth with baking soda everyday at least once aswell as brushing your teeth normally it should make a difference x

Nov 28, 2013

Taylor F.

The Crest Whitestrips made my teeth unbelievably sensitive so I wouldn't recommend those. But I absolutely love a product called Plus White, 5 Minute Whitening. You can buy it at just about any drugstore. It's very inexpensive, I paid like $8 for mine. The kit includes trays for your teeth and the whitening gel. You leave it in for 5 minutes, or up to 25 for severely stained teeth. It's safe to use daily and doesn't make your teeth sensitive. You could always buy some Sensodyne Toothpaste just to be on the safe side though. Hope that helped :)

Nov 28, 2013

Monica V.

Wow Shannon s. I'm going to try that. Holly thanks for posting this, I'm learning so much.

Nov 28, 2013

Holly L.

Taylor thankyou that's really helpful! And I'm glad this has helped out more than me :)

Nov 29, 2013

Stephanie S.

Yes I agree with Taylor (:

Nov 29, 2013

Tori G.

I agree with Taylor I use the plus white whitening gel and I love it. It's so inexpensive too.

Nov 29, 2013

Maggie F.

Supersmile toothpaste and whitening accelerator is the best if white strips arent an option.

Nov 29, 2013

Sierra B.

Leighannsays on YouTube has a video on the plus white stuff. I use the crest optic white toothpaste and have seen a difference.

Nov 29, 2013

Sonia B.

You should watch this video that Kandee Johnson did. Cheap at home teeth whitening, it's easy and her teeth are soooo white :)

Nov 29, 2013

Carrie O.

Activated charcoal capsules..I had the same problem was so paranoid about my teeth and even after 1 or 2 goes of this stuff it whitened them a few shades..:) you just break the capsules into a cup and brush your teeth with it and leave on for 5-10 wonders..your mouth will be all black but it doesn't stain..:) rinse off and brush your teeth with normal toothpaste and your done..:)

Dec 2, 2013

Annmarie K.

Colgate Optic White Toothpaste is great, I wouldn't waste money on the mouthwash, it isn't on your teeth very long. Crest 3D WhiteStrips, $55, are also great and easier than the whitening trays which can be awkward. Any crowns or veneers will not change.