Foundation suggestions for a Pale Girl?


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Oct 10, 2012

Natalie R.

I know these types of questions probably get asked too much, but could someone provide me with a few names of good foundations (preferably ones that don't cost too much)? I tend to have oily skin, and I'm super pale, so I have a bit of a difficult time finding make-up that matches my skin tone well.

I currently use a Mary Kay foundation. It looks nice, but it makes me break out like crazy, and I don't know how much longer I can afford to buy it because I'm in college, hah.

Oct 11, 2012

Fawn D.

Try BB cream foundation, and if you sweat alot like I do I try to find a powder that matches 

Oct 11, 2012

Natalie R.

Thank you. c: I'll check it out!

Oct 11, 2012

Francine R.

You know what, Lisa Eldridge did a really thorough video and blog post on foundations for fair skin. You should take a look at her blog or her YouTube page. She's a genius about makeup.

I use Maybellines Dream Matte Mousse in the lightest shade. I've found that its one of the only ones that not too yellow for me!

Oct 11, 2012

Jessica L.

OK, I had written out a long reply regarding illamasqua foundations, then I remembered you said you were a college student + illamasqua is kind of expensive! To be honest, it all depends on how pale you are - in MAC terms, I'd be around N5 and the only brand I've found that makes a foundation to match my skin without mixing is Illamasqua. Revlon colorstay runs light but if you're as pale as I am you're still going to have to mix something with it to lighten it. 

Oct 11, 2012

Alice C.

I know this maybe a bit pricey but it lasts for an awful long time well worth the money but Estée Lauder double wear light they have really good shades when I worked for them 

Oct 11, 2012

Natalie R.

Thanks everyone. c: 

Oct 11, 2012

Hannah M.

I have two options to suggest an expesive one and a cheaper one! Try the HD MAKE UP FOR EVER Foundations. I just used #125 on two very pale models and it looked great. They have a good variety of shades to try on at Sephora. For a cheaper option you must try Loreal True Match. This foundation blends into skin so well! They also have a wide variety of colors for all skin tones and with a drug store coupon you can get it for under $10! Good luck! <3

Oct 12, 2012

Natalie R.

I ended up going to Walgreens last night because I ran completely out, and I tried Maybelline's Dream Nude Airfoam because I thought that had been one of the suggestions (I was close... haha). I'm not sure how I feel about it, though. I found it kind of weird to apply and it doesn't really give me the coverage I want. And I probs should've gotten a shade lighter because I look a little orange. I'll have to go back in the near future and try one of those other ones!  

Oct 13, 2012

Shelly T.

Sleek's foundations are fairly inexpensive, and they have some really pale shades. Even better, you can get sample kits so you can try them out before buying a full size. (Sample kits are around $4 USD; full-size foundation is about $12 or $13 USD. You can order from their website.)

Personally, I'm super-duper fair -- so fair that most brands don't cater to me. As mentioned, Lisa Eldridge did a fab video on foundations for pale skin and things we palies can do if we like a foundation that's too dark for us.

Oct 13, 2012

Nicole G.

just like the first answer above... BB liquid foundation.usually one who has pale skin gets a foundation that tends to make the face look orange or peach? that's not gorgeous nor attractive to yourself and others. find a good BB foundation that you like go to the (not drugstores) but try out the makeup before purchasing. otherwise money will be a total waste and make sure it is matte and or oil free! matte looks good in photos but oil free doesn't while it does and or can protect skin from harmful uv rays 

Oct 13, 2012

Nicole G.

just like the first answer above... BB liquid foundation.usually one who has pale skin gets a foundation that tends to make the face look orange or peach? that's not gorgeous nor attractive to yourself and others. find a good BB foundation that you like go to the (not drugstores) but try out the makeup before purchasing. otherwise money will be a total waste and make sure it is matte and or oil free! matte looks good in photos but oil free doesn't while it does and or can protect skin from harmful uv rays 

Oct 13, 2012

Sarah C.

This foundation suits pale skin nicely.

Oct 14, 2012

Mary P.

try Revlon Colorstay! its pretty much everything you are looking for. Make sure you get the one that is for oily skin