Face help 😰


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Nov 30, 2013

Kat K.

So since Thursday my face has been really weird... The color has left my face and I look so veiny with splotchy red patches on my face. I try to cover it with my foundation and concealer but it hasn't been working at all. Any tips to reduce my dull face? I just look bad.

Nov 30, 2013

Morgan S.

This happens to me all the time during the winter-first give your face a good soak with a warm washcloth and make sure to moisturize twice a day!

Nov 30, 2013

Kat K.

Okay thank you! This has never happened before and I was like what is going on?!

Nov 30, 2013

Daisymae W.

UV got a long face.

Dec 1, 2013

Kat K.

Yeeaahh... Kinda how God made me ya know?

Dec 1, 2013

Annabelle N.

God just gave you all the more face to fit all your beauty in :)

Dec 1, 2013

Annabelle N.

I have similar skin in the winter I like to do honey and cinammon face masks, drinking lots of water and tea helps too! and finding a good moisturizer.

Dec 1, 2013

Kat K.

Okay thanks so much love :)