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Nov 28, 2013

Kat A.

Here's my question!

Nov 28, 2013

Hannah K.

I mean...I'd talk to a hairstylist, I guess. Otherwise just let him grow it until it gets to a length you're both happy with and then keep it cut at that length.

Nov 28, 2013

Jolynn M.

Grow it out and once it hits that point get the side and back cut with a number 2 razor and then have the top a little bit longer or enough so that you or him can grab on to it.

Nov 28, 2013

Naomi L.

Hmm maybe he can get like a 3 on top & fade it down to a 1 I don't know. lol me personally I like my boyfriend with a fresh clean cut & lined up!

Nov 28, 2013

Jolynn M.

I wouldn't do a 3 on top I'd do scissors on top then fade down only because he has curly so you want it a little long on too other wise he will look like he just shaved his head.

Nov 28, 2013

Kat A.

So basically some hair on top & the back & sides short?

Nov 28, 2013

Honey E.

That's how my bf has it now, from what yall are describing

Nov 28, 2013

Jolynn M.


Nov 28, 2013

Honey E.

This is his now. he straightens it sometimes but he has wavy hair and it looks fine either way.

Nov 28, 2013

Honey E.

*it's short on bith sides and the back, it just lays over one side.

Nov 28, 2013

Kassandra I.

I simply love this hair cut on my bf. Please excuse the naked ness.

Nov 28, 2013

Honey E.

I think that's similar to my bf's, just standing up more haha :)

Nov 28, 2013

Stephanie S.

Kasandras boyfriends hair cut is nice. but I'm used boyfriend with a fresh clean fade (:

Nov 28, 2013

Naomi L.

Same here stephanie! (: lol.

Nov 28, 2013

Honey E.

Something along the lines of what everyone has described lol but obviously we can't pick for yall :)