Hair Growth.


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Oct 5, 2012

Selena R.

How can you make your hair grow as healthy as possible?

Oct 5, 2012

Hayley H.

I find the best way to promote healthy hair is to not apply so much heat on a daily basis, let your hair dry naturally if you can and always use a heat protector before blow drying/ straightening. Use a conditioning hair mask once a week and have a regular trim to avoid split ends. If you want fast hair growth you could try taking hair/ skin and nails vitamins from any local pharmacy.. Hope this helps! 

Oct 5, 2012

Sadie S.

Coconut oil treatments n biotin tablets 

Oct 5, 2012

Alexis L.

Drink lots of water and take vitamins. Condition and protect your hair using a heat protectant. Just a few ideas :-) 

Oct 6, 2012

Ashley A.

I'm currently on what I call my "healthy hair diet"'s what it consists of:

No blow drying.
No flat irons.
I use my curling iron & just wrap my hair most days.
Heat protective spray.
I take fish oil & biotin daily.
Coconut oil treatment once a week.
Trying to eat better & LOTS of water!
Products I use:
Chi keratin spray
Shea organics yucca and aloe growth milk -- smells amazing!
Argan oil

I've been on this for about a month now & my hair feels much better & it is much shinier.

Oct 7, 2012

Abigail G.

What you could do is not wash your hair everyday! Every other day. Like when im in the shower i gently message my scalp, and take vitemens and drinks lots of water!! :)

Once I avoided dying my hair & cutting out soda, it grew like a weed! Maybe just me though! 

Oct 7, 2012

Steph H.

Lots of Omega3! I get mine from chia seeds that I put into my yogurt. Also plenty of water and regular trims if you're keeping your hair length once a month and if you're growing it out, once every three months but make sure you explain your plan to grow it out to your hairdresser!

Oct 7, 2012

Elaine S.

Wash your hair as little as you can. Use dry shampoo to stretch it out a bit. Washing is so drying. Your scalp will gradually adjust and you can keep lengthening the time between. I used to wash mine every second day, now I'm down to about once a week. It grows super fast and it's healthy despite my having recently stripped 3 years of dark permanent monthly dye. 

Oct 7, 2012

Stephanie M.

You lose 100 strands of hair daily depending on your health etc. Take a supplement with 5000mcg of Biotin. It's for hair, skin and nails. I get mine at Walgreens, 150 pills for $15.. Worth it. But don't forget to take them. 

Oct 7, 2012

Stephanie M.

Even if you don't wash your hair everyday, you're still going to lose around 100 strands a day anyway. 

Oct 7, 2012

Kristina S.

Look up a Sally's Beauty Supply store. They have these hair pills that consist of all the vitamins you need to make your hair grow faster and healthier (they help with nails too). The box is like $20, and you have to take the pills 2 times a day for about a month.
My sisters, cousins, friends, and I used them myself(:
Your hair grows about 4-6 inches within that month is you follow the directions properly.

Oct 7, 2012

Kristina S.

*if you follow

Oct 8, 2012

Jessii-Mariee S.

woah i need those sally pills ^ did it work for you?

Oct 8, 2012

Aasia B.

add vit e caps in ur oil..

Oct 8, 2012

Kayli H.

Use Castor oil when you condition your hair. Rub a little bit in your scalp when you're showering and rinse it out as best you can. Your hair WILL be greasy, but it will grow suuuper fast and it'll be really soft. If you try biotin I would highly suggest you start out with a low dosage. I tried them and it broke me out. Not on my face tough, oh no. On my legs. It happens to a lot of people so just be careful!