Ingrown hairs


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Oct 5, 2012

Evvie P.

Like many, I am constantly frustrated by the ingrown hairs I get. I mainly get them on my left leg and sometimes on my right leg. In the past have tried tweezing them out and also shaving in different directions - although I know this isn't advised but it's honestly so annoying! How can I prevent them and how can I get rid of them?

Please help :(

Oct 6, 2012

Wafi A.

Bliss has Ingrown Eliminating pads. It has a bit of glycolic acid (very diluted) that can help. I know a few guys that use them on their beards. Ingrowns can come from really simple things like shaving too hard or not using enough shaving cream. Are you shaving or waxing? If shaving, try switching your shaving cream or gel.

Oct 6, 2012

Aley A.

I wax very regularly and even when you do wax you can still tend to get ingrown hairs. My cerologist recommended Tend Skin. It works great and I've seen the difference. Hope this helps :)

Oct 6, 2012

Ashley A.

Scrub your legs with your loofa before shaving. Exfoliating prior to shaving helps to prevent ingrown hairs.

Nov 4, 2012

Evvie P.

Wafi, I shave more than I do wax. The pads sound good!
Aley, that sounds really good as well. Do you know any stores Tend Skin is available to purchase from?
Ashley, I've tried exfoliating but it didn't really help unfortunately however, I haven't tried exfoliating my legs with a loofa before.
I'll give all of your suggestions a go, thank you for the help girls!