The best thing I ever did to my hair!


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Nov 19, 2013

Klaudia B.

I wanted to share it with you lovely ladies.
The best thing I ever had on my hair is henna!
I have dark brown hair. I used henna and it added a beautiful shimmery to my hair and a deep dark burgundy color.
But what I adore is henna's benefits for hair, it made my hair halthier and softer then ever!
The effect was instant and now almost after a month my hair is still as soft and beautiful, can't stop touching it!

I'll be glad to help anyone who has questions as I know a lot about it, and it can also be used as hair treatment without coloring.

Nov 19, 2013

Kenzie L.

I bought some henna from lush a while back a.

Nov 19, 2013

Kenzie L.

*and I still need to try it. how did you apply yours?

Nov 19, 2013

Klaudia B.

Kenzie, I read a lot about applying it and there were so much different ways people used so I came up with mine.
The important thing is to mix it with lemon juice cause an acid juice helps release the pigment.
What I added was sweet beets' juice. I boiled a sweet bit in a very little quantity of water. I'm not sure if it effected in any way though.
You have to mix it as a thick cream.
Some people live it rest for 6 hours and then keep it on hair all night.
I wraped it in plastic and let it in a hot place for only one hour and then kept it in my hair for 3 hours before washing my hair.

Nov 19, 2013

Kenzie L.

ok thanks :)

Nov 19, 2013

Rebecca Louise P.

What's this product called I've recently had ombré done and my hair is in terrible condition on the ends :(

Nov 19, 2013

Klaudia B.

It is henna, it is made of a plent so it is 100% natural.
Just be sure to buy one that is really natural.

Nov 20, 2013

Amelia L.

I love henna, I've used it for years. but a word of of advice for those who want to venture into the world of henna, you still have to be super cautious with henna. it's so hard to remove. what ever you do, do not try and bleach it out. it pushes the dye deeper into the hair, and your hair turns green. also, do not use of if you have blonde or gray hair.

Nov 20, 2013

Klaudia B.

Amelia, it can be used on blonde hair and grey hair.
My mother uses it and covers grey hair wonderful.
It just gives differen color results on different hair. Blondes actually achieve a better color out of it.

Nov 20, 2013

Klaudia B.

It's true though you can't bleach it or use chemical dye on it!

Nov 20, 2013

Amelia L.

I'm naturally blonde, I used it and it turned my regrowth green. I had to attempt to strip it, dye my roots and retry. I guess it just depends on the person.

Nov 20, 2013

Whitney J.

Henna and drug store box dyes have what's called "Metallic Salts" in them. Basically what the salts do is help coat a layer of dr over your hair. It seems awesome at first, but when your ready for a change it's really really really hard to get out because of all those layers of she stuck on your hair.
I had box dyed my hair black for years, and loved it. But when I wanted to go lighter, at first no one would even touch my hair. Finally I found someone who did a fantastic job but it was super pricey and had to be spread out over months and months because the only thing she could do was bleach out the color because of the salts.
Need more convincing, read this

Nov 20, 2013

Klaudia B.

Whitney henna is not supposed to have salts nor any other substance. That's why it"s important to get a natural one, not mixed with any other thing at all but it's hard to know cause most of them lie.
And there is no other henna then the red one.
Black or blonde henna does not exist.
The natural one looks like kinda green tea.

Maybe Amelia's result is due to henna mixed with who knows what.
They won't declaire in the package what it's mixed with.

Nov 20, 2013

Klaudia B.

And I red all of these informations before using henna, I also had my mother's years of experience with it never causing her any non desirable effect, and I used real henna plant, not the ones you buy packaged.
And the color result depends on your natural hair color.
I love the color it gave me and my how my hair feels after it is proof that it is the healthiest thing I ever put on my hair.

Nov 21, 2013

Amelia L.

I used the henna from lush. it's probably just my hair.