Makeup remover wipes?
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Nov 19, 2013
Stephanie V.
Do the neutrogena makeup remover towelettes seem to "burn" or "sting" anyone else under the eyes? Do any if you ladies have better recommendations for some that are less harsh? Because these just seem to irritate my eyes.
Nov 19, 2013
Lynzie B.
I use those sometimes. They did burn a lil the first couple times I used them but then it stopped. I don't use them on my eyes though. Maybe try ponds they have a travel size at Walmart so you can try and see if you like those better because you buy a regular one.
Nov 19, 2013
Christy A.
Try the elf ones, I love them :) don't burn eyes at all!
Nov 19, 2013
Sara V.
Have you used the blue packet ones that are the Hydrating wipes? Those are my favorite and I feel that they are much better than the regular ones!
Nov 19, 2013
Jacqueline Y.
I just use baby wipes haha
Nov 19, 2013
Stephanie V.
Yeah I heard ponds are good. And no I just tried the regular ones but I'll be sure to check out the hydrating ones! Are baby wipes effective in removing waterproof mascara?
Nov 19, 2013
Carmela C.
Nov 19, 2013
Annabelle N.
Ponds and Simple!!
Nov 19, 2013
Ili R.
I remove my makeup with a little but of ponds then wipe it all off with a baby wipe
Nov 19, 2013
Ili R.
Threshold has never irritated my eyes.
Nov 19, 2013
Ili R.
this method* lol
Nov 19, 2013
Caitlin M.
I stay away from pretty much all makeup remover wipes. I've never been able to find any that don't burn or irritate my face and eyes. Right now I use Salma Hayek's dual phase makeup remover. It's very gentle and one bottle has lasted 2 or 3 months so far. Then I just wash my face with whatever cleanser I'm using at the moment. (The Salma Hayek stuff is available at CVS. It was around $7)