Help I'm shedding...


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Nov 12, 2013

Casey D.

So it's been going on for a long time but lately it's been getting worse. I know we associate shedding with animials but I don't know what to call it haha. I have really really think hair and when I wash it or brush it my hair just falls out. Not in like clumps, but it is a lot. And not I'm noticing it all over my clothes and stuff. I'm just wondering if this is normal and how to stop it.

Nov 12, 2013

Olivia G.

I'd go see your doctor. Make sure to have a lot of protein in your diet and try out some new shampoo and conditioners.

Nov 12, 2013

Casey D.

Thanks. And I've tried like 10 different shampoos haha.

Nov 12, 2013

Rebel B.

Eat lots of iron it'll help

Nov 12, 2013

Cherry B.

I've read and heard its only natural to shed 50-80 hairs a day and over 100 is abnormal. Idk go see a doctor for sure!

Nov 12, 2013

Emily M.

My hair is super thick and does the same. it can be normal, but I would still go to the doctor just in case! better to be safe than sorry! my doctor said it was nothing, but recommend biotin pills. they help with healthy nails and hair. also don't brush too hard, and try to lay off the heat and products you put in your hair. good luck!