Eczem Around My Mouth!


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Nov 12, 2013

Julie N.

After 2 months og eczema and allergic I got som dark circles around my mouth! How can I get rid of it!(Scrub does'nt work)

Nov 12, 2013

Symone B.

I think that's something a dermatologist should help you out with it and I'm not qualified to tell you how to fix it.

Nov 12, 2013

Tyra S.

I have eczema literally everywhere except for my face & a few areas on my arms and back and have had it since birth. Defiantly go to a doctor, because if it's eczema then it needs more attention that what a scub or any other home remedies can provide. Also, don't freak out - usually the scars and dark skin fade as your skin heals and adjusts to not having the eczema patch there that was previously taking away all the extra moisture in your skin. From what I've experienced (I'm 18 now) home remedies and scrub only sooth the problem and mask the symptoms for a few days, & the only thing that gives consistent results is prescribed medication. Hope that helped!

Nov 12, 2013

Grace K.

^ agree with Tyra! I was diagnosed with Graves' disease when I was 15 and my fluctuating thyroid levels caused me to get eczema all over my arms and around my eyes. It was so gross. I went to my doctor and he totally helped me out so I'd definitely go to yours. In the mean time you can buy hydrocortisone cream OTC and it should help. Just don't apply it like every hour lol it's not too good for you. But it made my eczema clear up in a couple days. Although I'm not sure about putting it around your mouth, maybe call your doctor beforehand or do some research on it :) Best of luck girl

Nov 12, 2013

Shushoni C.

Hydrocortisone does help, but as Grace says, use it sparingly. no more than 2x a day and for no more than 2 weeks at a time unless a doctor says so. it can thin your skin. hydrocortisone also helps with the discolouration. it might take quite some time for the discolourization to go. if you don't have any breakouts of exzema in the next 6 months, you might be able to use a lightening spot cream to help. let it heal, no scrubbing. wash with water splashes and use a heavy, unscented moisturizer such as glaxobase ( it is meant for extremely dry eczema skin) it feels not the nicest, but it will help any scabbing or dry skin that just won't hydrate. do see a doctor, they can assess the severity and prescribe treatments that really work and give toy advise on what to do and not to do. best of luck! ;-)

Nov 12, 2013

Amber G.

I have eczema around my mouth too..but it hasn't got dark like that..mine is like red and dry/flaky...but I put aquaphor on mine..I would keep it moisturizer and see a dermatologist.

Nov 12, 2013

Esther H.

I would go to a doctor.. But you might be allergic for some make up or something.. So maybe you can check that double ;) But I am not prof so I don't really know too.

Nov 12, 2013

Bethany P.

Look up first aid beauty on sephora It's dermatologist reccommended, plus it's free of parabens, phthalates sulfates,colorants, GMO's petrochemicals, also it is good for sensitive skin! It has very good reviews as well!!

Nov 12, 2013

Diana J.

Mmm... it could be another disease... I also have eczem near mouth periodically, but it never turns this way... And if you use a scrub above you could have a scar maybe... But I'm not sure:-)

Nov 12, 2013

Diana J.

Don't wanna scary you but it could be smtg kinda 'lichen' ( not sure how it sounds in english)

Nov 13, 2013

Carmen-Asia N.

See a dermatologist as eczema is a minor disease from psoriasis. I have eczema since birth and have been on several steroid creams, especially around winter times and when air gets dry. I hope it's nothing serious.

Nov 14, 2013

Narcissa D.

I also have eczema and I am also an Esthetician, most people don't realize that it's common to get what is known as Contact Dermatitis from your tooth pastes that you may be using. Be mindful if they have whitening ingredients because they can really cause irritation on the skin. Also be aware of any chap stick or gloss ingredients. You may be allergic to one of the ingredients such as, lanolin, glycerin or even mineral oil. Too much exfoliation can make it more raw so be cautious. Cortisone helps but do not have long continued use, when it's really dry I apply Aquaphor ointment around the area to help soften and hydrate the skin. Hope this helps