Retinol Products


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Sep 28, 2012

Emma A.

What retinol products can you reccomended?

Sep 28, 2012

Emily R.

Rosehip oil!! :)

Sep 29, 2012

Kelly G.

Roc and neutrogena both make excellent retinol products at the drugstore level. Packaging is what's important with retinol. It oxidizes when exposed to air, becoming less potent, so avoid anything packaged in open jars. Pumps and tubes with tiny openings. 

Sep 29, 2012

Ipek C.

Philosophy's help me has worked for me. Kind of pricey though

Oct 4, 2012

Emma A.

Emily.R Is rosehip oil a retinol product? 

Oct 5, 2012

Amanda R.

Rosehip oil is cold pressed oil that is taken from rosehips, part of a rose plant. It contains no retinol. It's good for evening out the complexion though. 

Oct 11, 2012

Sarah S.

So my mom has been using retinol products for many many years and the other day for some reason we had some left over fresh pineapple, so she decided to mix a little bit in with her normal face wash and she said that it worked better for tightening and exfoliating her skin better than any retinol product she's ever used. She said you can literally feel it working. I personally have not tried it, but maybe it'll work for you.

Oct 12, 2012

Robin N.

Hi all - I have posted on a few boards about Rodan + Fields, and totally don't want to sound like a broken record - but again, have to offer up an R+F suggestion! :) I have used a ton of different products and like Kelly G mentions - the packaging is important. That is why the Rodan + Fields Night Renewing Serum is awesome. They come in these great little single-use blue capsules. You just break one open and smooth it on your face and neck at night before your night cream. They contain a potent blend of retinol and peptides and are time released over 12 hours. I use my ANTI-AGE regimen as soon as the kids go to bed at night and smooth on the night renewing serum to get maximum benefit. :) 

Oct 16, 2012

Erin S.

Philosophy Help Me

Oct 16, 2012

Ashely V.

Was reading the above... Pineapple is wonderful for exfoliation. Why not just get a Retin A cream instead of a product with retinol? The results will be dramatic versus minimal.. There are downsides though. Retin A is strong... But that's why it works so well. Your skin may flake at first until it gets used to the new routine. Also you have to get a prescription from your dermatologist or Dr.. It's so worth it though.