Could I Just Blow Dry My Hair.


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Nov 17, 2013

Noelle M.

Soo I put lemons in my hair but the suns not really shining so bright today could I just blow dry my hair instead of sitting in the sun? will I get the affect??

Nov 17, 2013

Elana D.

Putting lemon in your doesn't really work, you need to put slot of lemon juice and your hair and even then it doesn't come out even but it does work for some people so I think just drying your hair would be fine. good luck! :p.

Nov 17, 2013

Noelle M.

Yeahh lol thats what I meant lemon juice thanks elana d. ( :

Nov 17, 2013

Hannah M.

The acidity in the lemons can potentially ruin your hair :( especially if your one to use heat tools on your hair regularly so be careful!

Noelle M.

watertown, CT , new england