Mane and tail shampoo??


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Nov 17, 2013

Laurel G.

Is it any good. I have long and curly hair if that changes anything.

Nov 17, 2013

Maya P.

It's great shampoo especially for your type , I used it for a year when I used extensiona.

Nov 17, 2013

Melina R.

I have really curly hair thats about six inches past my shoulders and I'm planning on growing it out past my butt. It takes a while to comb out now and I need a really good system for when it gets long. A friend of mine reccomended mane & tail shampoo and conditioner for horses and said it worked wonders, is it really that good? and is there anything thats stronger?😉

Nov 17, 2013

Kitty K.

Mane N' Tail is great to strengthen your hair.
However, it is not PH Balanced for human hair and scalp so over time it will dry out your hair.
I used it for six months and never thought that could be the reason why my hair was getting brittle until a friend told me and I went home and researched it.
Luckily, there are tons of strengthening treatments out there that are strong and work just as well and make your hair soft.
I've been using castor oil with coconut oil. If you view the pictures on my profile you'll see a time line of how much longer my hair has gotten.

Nov 17, 2013

Mikayla B.

You can use it, you just have to dilute it!

Nov 17, 2013

Julissa C.

Not only that, once you stop using it you hair will start falling out

Nov 17, 2013

Sloane M.

I've used it for months and and my hair is not getting dry or brittle, not falling out, so I'm not sure what these girls are talking about. But I really like it and I think it's helped my hair grow a lot.

Nov 17, 2013

Mikayla B.

Lol Julissa, my hair didn't fall out when I stopped using it... I use it on my dogs now. It makes em soft lol(:

Nov 17, 2013

Emily M.

I have thick curly hair. it really helps grow your hair, but I noticed after a while of using it my curls went flat and it was just a frizzy mess. (I didn't know this) but be sure to switch out your shampoo. don't use mane n tale everytime you shower, maybe ever other time! x

Nov 18, 2013

Kitty K.

@Sloane What I am talking about is the immense amount of wax in Mane n' tail.
The reason it's rumored to make hair grow is because there is so much wax already present in Mane n' tail. The wax is so heavy so it weighs hair down, and that wax can actually cause flakes.
The wax in Mane n' tail overtime begins to build up in your hair, making it become dry, brittle, and dull.

Now maybe you don't notice because you have nice straight hair so you don't care as much as someone with ethnic hair that's a down right pain in the ass, so I notice right away when it effects my hair.