How often do you get a hair cut?


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Ha, not how often you're supposed to, but genuinely honestly how often? Every month? Every 3 months? 6 months? A year?

What keeps you from coming? Cost? Hassle? Forget?

I probably do every 3 months! And I don't go because I just haven't found that "perfect" stylist!

Oct 3, 2012

Linda P.

Once or twice a year hahah I know I should do it more often but I feel depress everytime I cut it, cause I want long hair but if I don't get a trim then it'll never grow but I just have a hard time deciding o go to a salon

Oct 3, 2012

Payel G.

Me too! I go once or twice a year & my reasons are similar to Linda's. I know it's said that you should cut your hair ever 3 to 4 months, but somehow I just can't bring myself to go even for the slightest trim as I am trying to get my hair long (like till my low waist) & I don't really see the reason as to how trimming your hair from the end make your hair grow from the roots. anyways I just cut my hair when it starts looking messy at the end (the other reason would also be that I have't found a stylist I rely on yet!)

Oct 3, 2012

Stephanie M.

I get my ends trimmed once every two months. 

Once or twice a year it all depends on if I'm trying to grow it out or keep it short. I just recently got about 5 inches cut off and wasn't very happy with my usual stylist so until I find a new one i will probably be letting my hair grow out. 

Oct 3, 2012

Tessa C.

A little more than a year for me! Getting my hair cut is equivalent to getting shots in my book.
I got my hair cut last year in september to the tops of my shoulders, and now is roughly 7-8 inches longer.

However, to avoid having to get it cut more often to avoid having gross ends, i've been caring a lot more about the condition of my hair this year. I don't use heat styling (that includes hair dryer) hardly at all. Probably only used it...5 times since last september? I also use avocado oil masks, and better shampoos, etc etc. 

Oct 3, 2012

Linda P.

@payel in order for you to start seeing ur hair grow is to get a trim every now and then. Yes the hair does grow from the root so why do we need to cut the bottom? It's because when you have split end your hair keeps splitting shorter and shorter if u don't trim those end off. So when u get a trim you have fresh end and can start seeing it hair grow longer. But I still can't Come to trimming it lol

Oct 3, 2012

Elle M.

I made this same mistake not so long ago, thinking having it cut less would mean it would grow quicker and faster which of course theoretically speaking is true, but having it cut every couple of months is the best for your hair, it removes all dead ends and keeps it in better condition so when it does grow if looks so much longer than if its unhealthy, also if you don't have it cut often ends easily snap off which stops growth, I get mine cut loads more often and can believe how healthy or quick it's growing!!!!

Your supposed to get your hair cut every 6-8 weeks. Never go a year or 2 with out getting it cut. 

Oct 3, 2012

Denna S.

Last time I got mine cut was July and it is October. I don't get trimmed often because I am broke.

Oct 3, 2012

Shyane K.

Well, It depends are you particular if you have it cut so its even? or do you like you hair long? Growing it out means you dont cuz it often. Being particular could be anywhere from one month to 3 or 4 months

Oct 4, 2012

Kelsey E.

I'm growing my hair out and I probably obsess over it more than anything else so I only trim it when it needs to be trimmed, and for me that's about once a year. I don't use heat (seriously, I never use it) I wear styles where my ends are tucked away, I do weekly deep treatments and do scalp massages with sweet almond oil and avocado oil about twice a week. I can tell I need a trim when my ends tangle easier when combing my hair or if I have an abundance of split ends. That rarely happens. Not everyone needs frequent trims if the state of their hair is good.

Oct 4, 2012

Vanessa V.

Your supposed to trim your hair every 6-8 weeks or else it's not gunna grow and if it does and you wait for it to grow and then cut it it's going to be the same cause your going to end up cutting a lot of it off cause its going to all be dead hair! So stick with a trim every 6-8 weeks!

Oct 5, 2012

Mary P.

My hair is long, down to my waist now. I trim it myself, just the split ends & only when i see it. I don't schedule my hair cuts

Oct 5, 2012

Sadie S.

I cut my hair once every
4 months or so

Oct 5, 2012

Wafi A.

I usually do it two or three times a year. Mostly because I'm lazy. I'll usually cut it before my birthday (January) and then in the summer (because its too hot).